Appsessment 1.11 - New Changes To The NQS Framework

From 01 February 2018, revised National Quality Standards commences in all states and territories throughout Australia.
The NQS in the Appsessment App has now been updated and changed to reflect the revised National Quality Standards.
If you would like to read more information on the changes to NQS, please read: Changes To NQS Across Australia Commences
For services creating backdated documentation, the previous NQS (marked as Obsolete) will be available for the next 2 weeks before it is removed entirely. So, please make sure all backdated documentation are completed by then.
We are also working on a QIP Template that your service can use. The QIP Template will be a default template which will already be preloaded in the Templates page. This will be available in the coming month. Stay Tuned!
If you are yet to try Appsessment, we welcome you to do so. Appsessment has a variety of unique features that will assist you in your documentation and you will find documenting more efficient and simple when using Appsessment. It's very versatile and you can customise your App to suit your own needs. Appsessment can be used for all services such as LDC, FDC and OOSH. We offer a 14-days money back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose!