Appsessment 1.3 - Parent Input Forms and Parent Reminders

We are very happy to inform you that we have added a few big features in Appsessment that you will absolutely love. In this release, we have mainly focussed on the features to increase Parent Involvement. It's important to include Parents as much as possible in their child's learning and to get the Parents involved, so having Parent Input Forms and Parent Reminders will ensure that Parents stayed informed and to share their opinions and suggestions.
For this Version 1.3 update, we have now created the features to send Parent Input Forms and Parent Reminders. These features makes Appsessment stand apart giving you the ultimate flexibility to use the App for tasks that are more than just documenting children. Let's take a look at some of the key highlights of the features released in this version.
Parent Input Form:
You can now send Parent Input Forms to parents directly from your centre's app. The parents are able to fill in the Parent Input form from their portal and easily submit it back to the educator, which then can be used for documentation purposes to make informed decisions for curriculum planning. The implementation of this feature is well thought out that it will make Parent Input request process really easy for educators to manage and follow-up. Parents will be automatically notified when you create and publish the Parent Input form so they can login, complete it and submit it. Simple!! The best part is, you can create any custom Parent Input form template you want with any questions you wish to ask in that form.

Parent Reminders:
You can now create Parent Reminders from your App and select the Parents you wish to send the reminders to. Parent Reminders are sent to the parents to remind them about upcoming events, things going on at the centre etc. You can create your own custom template for Parent Reminders and send them to individual parents which they can view from their parent portal.

Auto Select Children and Parents:
While completing the documentation, you can now easily auto select Children based on their rooms or select all Children automatically without needing to manually select each child one by one. You can do the same when selecting Parents as well while creating the Parent Input and Parent Reminder forms so you can quickly choose which parents you wish to notify based on their Child/ren's room or use the 'Select All' option. This will make it easier for you when you are creating documentation for a group.

Emoji Support:
We have now added support for Emoji Icons. We noticed a few educators would like to use the emoji icons (😊) in their documentation and comments. Hence we have added this support so you can add these icons without any errors.

Easy Logins:
We have made it easier for logins so you are not required to complete the anti-spam captcha check everytime you login. The updated login will make it easier for all users to quickly login to your app without any extra step.
News Page:
We have created the News page on our website so all updates are posted directly in our Appsessment website itself. This will help you stay updated with the latest News, Updates, Releases and all Upcoming Features! Check out our News page here: News
Thank you for your Support:
For those who have been with us since we launched Appsessment last month, we thank you for your support and we are grateful indeed. We have received a lot of positive feedback from our users which gives us the reassurance that Appsessment is certainly achieving its goal by providing educators with the tools for their documentation and assessment. We were able to able to add these new updates and features after your requests and we thank you for that. Our goal is to create the ultimate documentation app so your feedback is important to us. Having said that, we still have a lot of amazing features planned and coming soon and be rest assured that Appsessment is only going to get better and better!
If you are yet to try Appsessment, you have to give it a try. We have 14 days money back guarantee so you can try it risk-free.
We hope you will love this Appsessment 1.3 update and its new features!